Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chicken House Plan - DIY Plans Anyone Can Use

Are you in need of a quality, yet easy to build chicken house plan?

There are quite a few plans to be found online, but you should start by asking yourself some questions. Determine what you are looking for in terms of size, protection, ease of use, expense, etc.

To me, it is extremely ironic that I found myself in need of building a chicken coop. I can tell you, there's never been a kid more afraid of chickens that I was. When I was 12, we rented a house in the country and decided to get some chickens. My dad kept trying to convince me that the hen house was perfectly safe and it was easy to collect eggs. But one step inside that hen house made visions of chickens attacking me all too real.

Well, now that I'm all grown up, and not exactly in love with chickens, I've come to realize that they can be quite useful. For my first chicken coop, I just envisioned a wooden box to hold chickens. Since then I've learned there's a lot of things to consider.

For example:

  • What size to use per how many chickens
  • How it should be ventilated
  • Best way to provide lighting
  • How to provide protection from predators as well as weather
  • The best and easiest way to take care of the waste
After looking online and finding myself somewhat confused about how to go about it, I asked my neighbor for help. He had some nice chicken coops and looked like he knew what he was doing. He told me I couldn't go wrong if I followed the instructions he had found in an ebook, of all things.

The ebook has several sizes and type of designs that you can pick from to suit your needs. You can build a quality chicken house with basic tools and a minimum of expense compared to other designs I have seen online. It has proven to be a valuable resource which I would definitely recommend to anyone looking to build their own chicken coop.

If you don't want to waste your time and money, it really does pay to make the effort and be sure to pick a chicken house plan that not only is good quality but has all the amenities that are important to you and the health and safety of your chickens.

Click Here for the ebook and and more information about chicken house plans.

Build a Chicken Coop - What to Consider Before Starting

There are details to consider before you start to build a chicken coop that will impact what type of design and materials you want to use.

  • Considering that you have already taken into consideration the basics like: size, lighting, ventilation, protection, cost and quality, what else is there to consider?

1. You will want to decide if you care how attractive the overall appearance of the coop is. That may depend on how visible the chicken coop is to your neighbors.

2. The materials that you use should not only be durable, but be easy to clean. Adding to easy clean up, making the floor slope downward will allow the water to drain out easier.

3. Insulation, which keeps the chickens dry and warm will help them get through the cold winters.

4. Put in an electric light bulb for heating and light. This also helps them lay better quality eggs year round.

These are a few of the things to take into consideration when considering what kind of chicken house plan you should use. I'm sure you can come up with some more. Having a really good quality plan is vital and can save you considerable time, effort and money.

For good, easy to understand chicken coop plans, Click on: How to build a chicken coop - plans even a 12 year old could understand.